

I've been absentee for the last couple months and have gotten several nicely (and not so nicely) worded requests asking for an update.  SO... here's what I've been doing, thinking, etc.

1.  Mom helped me clean out the house. I have a few "before" shots (like the one below)... but they are more of the mess than anything.  And I won't post "afters" until post-renovation so you can get the full scope of the awesomeness.  We're going to be replacing carpets in the two front rooms, repainting, hanging new closet doors, retiling the floor in the bathroom... stuff like that.

2.  I found this in the clean out.  And I haven't used it since like 1999 so that tells you something about the dire straits we were in before BeckyLozier stepped through the doors.  But this product saved my life.  I put it on like deodorant before bed once a week my senior year of high school and my freshman year in college... and about half the time I also then saran-wrapped my arm pits like I was encasing a sausage... and SLEPT that way.  And it basically burned out the sweat glands under my arms.  Now I will not say that this will not cause me major damage down the road, but I used to pit-out EVERY day.  I mean, I wore the wool sweater over my school uniform in May when it was 90 degrees outside because you could see my nasty sweat.  But never since.  Thank you, Drysol.

2a.  I also found THIS when I was cleaning things out.  No words needed on this one.  Just read the tagline.

3.  We went to Branson, Missouri for a family reunion last week.  Daniel decided he had had enough of airports lately (with that one trip he went on earlier this year) so we drove.  Let me just say that Oklahoma (not OK.  Also, their version of a Taco Bell is called Taco MAYO.  Gross) and Arkansas is a really pretty state... what we saw of it at least.  When we got there, it was a great time with family but fairly uneventful in the story-telling category.  Oh, except that we had to take Kate to TWO doctors to get her ears declogged (yes, earwax.  And the third vacation we've had to do this with her) and Daniel's car wouldn't start like 6 times in one day.  Here's the fam trying to get the car to start... you'll notice that I was standing on the balcony doing nothing.

4.  We took a mini photography class with a friend.  She taught us about aperture and shutter speed and other concepts I still don't fully understand.  But mostly, I got to take pictures of T-Rog making faces like this.  (Great photography skills being implemented here, dontcha think?)

And this.

I'm a slow learner.  What can I say?

5.  Hm... what else.  OH.  I'm helping my friend, Roxanne, by annoying people and telling them to vote for her as she tries to get her own show on the new Oprah network.  CLICK HERE to watch her video and vote.  And if you get bored, vote some more!  She has until next Friday and needs a LOT of votes.  If you want to repost this somewhere or tweet about it, I'm sure she'd love you.  http://www.tinyurl.com/roxshow

6.  Here's a picture of Buddy's leg.  It's a pic of the pic taken by my Blackberry... so it's not great and that weird black shadow is my phone, not some weird thing in my uterus.  Way to grow a leg, Buddy!!!

Here's Buddy's GIG 'EM.  You can't really see it, but it was really cute on the screen.  :)

7.  I can't think of anything else to write about.  Anybody got any ideas for what to post next?  If I could THINK of things, I'd write about them!  So give me some ideas.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh....I wish you could have seen my face. I was laughing OUT LOUD at the picture of BeckyLozier pushing that car with dan while you take pictures and then...still laughing....I scrolled down to see the horror. I'm going to kill you.

Post the picture of Buddy doing "gig em" instead of his leg...I'm off to vote for Roxanne some more...XOXO

Liz said...

T-Rog, I thought they were cute! They were better than all the ones with the camera in your face. How fun would THOSE be. Reposting with Buddy's Gig 'Em... it's not a great pic, but there was DEF a Gig involved.

Katie Norwood said...

I'm thinking you should do a series of blog posts about recipes from the "Cooking With Jesus" cookbook... I mean that is bizarre! Also, it warms my heart to see that dining room table and upholstered chairs.... ahh memories!! I can almost see little Dong Jung Shin the fish in his little bowl on the center of the table.

Liz said...

HAHA. I forgot about that stinking fish. It's actually a different table but the chairs are DEF the same. Too bad I gave the Jesus cookbook to Kate. I was hoping she could bring some religious recipes to the Big City. Ha.

katie newton said...

YAYAYAYAY!!! The Loj is back!!! :) I LOVE Buddy's pics!!! The gig em is priceless.... are yall playing the Fight Song every night and singing it to your uterus? Caught ya. :)

On a side note, do we all need to pitch in a buy Kate some q-tips? Seriously, this needs to get under control.

lovelove! Oh, post a preggo pic of you!!! I need to see that belly!! And the T-Rog pics were way cute- don't back down. :)

Schulz Sightings said...

I think that was a hook-em I saw :)
Where can I get me a cookbook like that? I need some Jesus in my cooking, or at least in my attitude while I am making dinner with everyone running crazy!
I hate to admit, but a Farrar is never far from a broken down car!

Writinggal said...

She, I was LOLing about the Taco Mayo (and also throwing up a little bit).

When I saw Buddy's leg in the pic, I thought it looked like the elf's leg in the movie Elf and you know what's weird? His NAME was Buddy!! Right?

Ideas: Duh! We need bump pics!!

Unknown said...

Hi there - I tried to email you - you won a contest via Blissfully Domestic - can you send me an email to Sarah @ blissfullydomestic dot com.

Team LC said...

Something funny about Taco Mayo: my sister was in some commercials and print ads of theirs like 8 years ago. Mom and Dad still have one of the print ads somewhere in their house in Dallas. So random, but you are also correct: so gross.