
Caroline, Lucy, Preston and Campbell.

My nieces and nephew are so precious to me! Caroline is 6, Lucy is 4 and Preston is 1.5ish and their momma, Emily (Daniel's oldest sis) has picked up blogging again recently. I've gotten to see a lot of them lately and I have a few pics... I would have MORE except they never sit still!

This is more realistic. :)

Caroline is "mom #2" in the fam. She's no-nonsense sometimes but she can be totally silly and is way smart. The girls loved having turns with my iPod. I'm pretty sure Caroline was jamming to Amy Grant in this pic.

We were playing dress up with momma's clothes here. They LOVE when I put makeup on them. Caroline has a big ol' "smile for the camera" smile. It's like... HERE ARE MY TEETH!!! We used to call her Catfish when she was a baby because of her huge, toothless grin. How times have changed!

Lucy, or LuBean, a little ramming ball of energy. She's creative and likes to laugh at herself. She also is going to be the button-pusher in the fam. "Liz... take a picture of me climbing on this cow!"

Here she is watching The Parent Trap. For Halloween, Lucy ended up being Pippi Longstocking (the opportunity for orange hair tipped the scales)... but the other options were Mrs. Hannigan or Mr. Bundles from Annie. We have more pics of Lucy because caroline had already gone off to school in her sweet, plaid jumper uniform!

Lucy will still give me a candid pic occasionally. Here, she is being a muffin.

This is SUCH a Lucy pic because she is typically in some state of disarray, swinging from something and either chewing gum or asking you when she can have her next piece of gum. "Liz, do you have any gum in your purse?" is the first question out of her mouth almost every time she sees me.

Preston, aka P-Dizzle or The Dizz (not sure where those came from)... is the sweetest baby boy around. He just toddles around amusing himself, "roar"ing at plastic lions and dinosaurs while holding his bear. SEE! His bear!

He's a mess about 3/4 of the time which is why I let him run around in just his diaper whenever I babysit. (Sorry for the nekkidness, Momma). Preston also has THE saddest cry-face I've ever seen. His little lips pout up and huge crocodile tears that make you want to do anything for him. Little sweety.
Campbell is the newest addition to the family. She's Elizabeth's precious baby girl... born just 2 weeks ago yesterday. We don't know much about her yet, but I know she already has 3 tutus in her wardrobe and a pouty little mouth sure to convince her momma and daddy to let her get away with anything. We can't wait to see her more. :)

1 comment:

Liz said...

I forgot to tell you... Caroline chopped all her own hair off when she was 3 or 4 years old. So she's not "no-nonsense" ALL the time. Her mom put a LOT of big bows on her that year.